A procedure where tooth-colored material (composite resin) is added to fill in space between teeth or to replace a part of a tooth that has fractured. Teeth are sculpted to look natural with the bonding agent.
How is the bonding process done?
First, Dr. Thiel puts a mild chemical on your child's tooth to make it a little rough. This step helps the composite resin stick better to the enamel of the tooth. Then, the composite resin is mixed and tinted to match the color of your child's natural teeth. Next, Dr. Thiel puts the composite resin on the appropriate teeth in layers and a very bright light is used to harden (or cure) each layer of resin as it is applied. Lastly, after the final layer of composite resin is hardened (or cured), Dr. Thiel will shape and polishe the resin so the finished teeth look natural and smooth.
Is bonding the best option for my child's developing teeth?
Bonding is among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures. It is mainly used to rebuild chipped, broken, or irregularly shaped teeth, to close gaps and to improve the look of teeth permanently discolored. Capping can camouflage the same conditions, but bonding can also anchor metal bridges containing replacements for missing teeth or orthodontic braces that use plastic brackets in place of metal bands. Capping is generally avoided in the case of children because the tooth is not fully formed. Bonding has no such problem.
However, the composite resin used in bonding isn't nearly as strong as a natural tooth. Biting your fingernails or chewing on ice or pens can chip the material. Bonding usually lasts several years before it needs to be repaired. How long it actually lasts depends on how much bonding was done and your oral habits.